Tag: Blessed Sacrament Church
Many claim healing at Christ-centred Spiritual Healing seminar
The Spiritual Healing seminar conducted by Fr Varghese Parackal from the Vincentian Retreat Centre in Perth, Western Australia, was essentially a “Life in the Spirit seminar”. With the theme “CHRIST is All in All”, the focus was on the healer Jesus Christ.
圣体堂主理欧庆伟神父受傅云生总主教的派遣,前往台湾进修华文。所卸下的职位由王博弟神父接棒, 在2月22日职权移交后,正式掌管圣体堂堂区。
BSC ucap selamat jalan kepada Fr Felix Au
Kira-kira 500 jemaat berada di sebuah restoran tempatan pada malam 9 Februari lalu untuk majlis makan malam perpisahan yang dianjurkan untuk Fr Felix Au, rektor lama Gereja Blessed Sacrament (BSC).
Legion of Mary Kuching Comitium celebrates the Acies
An association of Catholic laity that serves the Church on a voluntary basis, the Legion of Mary Kuching Comitium, held its annual Acies Ceremony at 2.00 pm Sunday, 8 March 2020 at the Blessed Sacrament Church, Kuching.
Blessed Sacrament Parish extends warm welcome to new rector
Hundreds of parishioners were at the Saturday Sunset Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church (BSC) on 22 February to witness the installation of its new rector, and to welcome him.