Tag: Blessed Sacrament Church
Good response to BSC Online Sunday School inaugural session
On 13 June, inaugural online lessons for Sunday School students of all levels commenced with an address from the Rector of BSC, Fr Patrick Heng.
Parents happy children finally able to receive First Holy Communion
A batch of 49 candidates from Blessed Sacrament Church Parish who had prepared for the sacrament of Eucharist in 2020, received their First Holy Communion (FHC) in groups of 4-5 from 12-23 May 2021.
Emmaus adakan ‘sesi pelayanan’ pertama menerusi Zoom
Kumpulan ‘Emmaus Servant Community’ dari Gereja Blessed Sacrament mengadakan Kelompok Doa Zoom mingguannya pada April 28 dengan satu ‘sesi pelayanan’.
Parish invites registration for RCIA Online Class
The Parish invites those who are interested to know more about the Christian faith, or to become a Catholic, to join the RCIA lesson/ class.
Katekumen selesai Upacara Inisiasi Kristian
Kursus RCIA 2019/2020 (Bahasa Inggeris) berakhir dengan sembahyang Misa yang diadakan pada 19 dan 20 Disember 2020, dan dirayakan oleh Rektor Gereja Blessed Sacrament (Sakramen Maha Kudus), Fr Patrick Heng.