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Tag: Blessed Sacrament Church

Family and fellow priests bid farewell to Rev Fr Dato Lawrence Chua

Sarawak’s first local-born priest Rev Fr Dato Lawrence Chua passed away last Sunday, 24 October. He was laid to rest at the Catholic Cemetery of St Joseph’s Cathedral after a funeral Mass on 28 October 2021.

First Sarawak local born priest goes home to the Lord, aged 86

He was ordained a priest by the Vicar Apostolic of Kuching, Bishop John Vos, D.D.C.B.E. on 13 December 1964 in his hometown of Mukah, becoming the first Sarawak local-born to be ordained a priest.

BSC lancar Projek Pandemik 2021 untuk membantu golongan rentan

Ekoran Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) pada Jun–Julai 2021 dan penutupan banyak perniagaan, ramai pekerja, terutamanya pekerja bergaji harian, terpaksa dihentikan dan tidak ada punca pendapatan.

BSC launches Pandemic Project 2021 to help the needy

With the MCO in June/July 2021 and the closure of many businesses, many workers especially daily paid workers were asked to stop work and were left without any income.

Doa merupakan tindak balas kita sebagai manusia kepada Tuhan

Emmaus Servant Community di Paroki Gereja Blessed Sacrament tetap setia dan komited kepada penyata misinya untuk mengasihi dan melayani (Love & Serve).

