Tag: Blessed Sacrament Church
Parish Councillors installed on Parish Feast Day
The Covid-19 pandemic had derailed the installation of Parish Pastoral Councils (PPC) in parishes in the Archdiocese of Kuching, after they were appointed last year to hold office for the 2021-2024 term.
圣神降临节是在耶稣升天后十天庆祝。就是庆祝天主恩赐圣神,天主和我们的盟约。为准备圣神降临主日圣神的强力倾注,圣体堂从 5月27日至6月4日举行了圣神九日敬礼。期间,参与者聆听了锺万庭荣休总主教主讲的,如何认识及领受圣神的恩典和果实的教导。
Archbishop Emeritus Peter Chung leads Novena to Holy Spirit
A 9-Day Novena to the Holy Spirit was held at Blessed Sacrament Church from the Friday after Ascension, 27 May – 4 June.
Charismatic Mass on Pentecost Sunday brings back the flock
To prepare for a powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday, Blessed Sacrament Church organised a 9-Day Novena to the Holy Spirit from 27 May – 4 June.
Participants give praise and glory after experiencing God’s love and healing at HOF seminar
After a hiatus of two years because of the Covid pandemic, the recent “Healing of Families” (HOF) seminar organised by the Emmaus Servant Community attracted not only Malaysians and Singaporeans...