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Tag: Bishop Richard Ng

358 muda-mudi sertai Program Hari Belia Miri di Gereja Holy Family Lapok

Paroki Holy Family di Lapok menjadi tuan rumah dan penganjur Hari Belia Miri (MYD) 2024 yang berlangsung pada 22–24 November lepas...

Bersaksilah dan sebarkan berita baik tentang Yesus Kristus

Setiap umat harus memainkan peranan yang aktif untuk bersaksi dan menyebarkan berita baik tentang Tuhan Yesus Kristus agar lebih ramai orang akan mengimani-Nya.

From a Chapel to a Church: Blessing of Holy Rosary Church, Miri

On 31 March 2024, Easter Sunday, the Holy Rosary Chapel in the Piasau Utara residential area in Miri became a full-fledged Church when...

Making history – Inaugural AGM of the DPC of St Joseph’s Miri Diocese

Saturday 3 February 2024 was a historic day in the Diocese of Miri when over 40 representatives, led by Bishop Richard Ng, convened in St...

Bishop Richard Ng celebrates 10th Episcopal Ordination Anniversary

Thursday 25 January 2024 was a joyous day for the Christian community in Miri. It was the 10th anniversary of the episcopal ordination of...

It’s Graduation Day!

The Gymkhana Club, Miri echoed with joy and excitement as three Catholic kindergartens held a combined 2023 graduation day on Saturday...
