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Tag: Bishop Cornelius Sim


Cornelius Cardinal Sim was President of the Regional Episcopal Commission for Social Communications (RCSC) of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei.

CBCMSB Statement: Demise of Cardinal Sim

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of His Eminence Cardinal Cornelius Sim, DD of the Apostolic Vicariate of Brunei Darussalam early this morning in Taiwan, due to a cardiac arrest.

Apostolic Vicariate in Brunei Darussalam: Announcement

It is with heavy heart that I announce the passing of His Eminence, Cornelius Cardinal Sim, Cardinal of the Apostolic Vicariate in Brunei Darussalam, on Saturday, May 29th 2021 at around 8:28am in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (CGMH), Taoyuan City, Taiwan.

“Saat sukacita bagi gereja-gereja kecil di rantau ini”

“Dengan memutuskan untuk melantik Uskup Cornelius Sim, Bapa Suci Paus Francis menunjukkan solidariti beliau dengan Gereja di pinggiran,” kata Msgr Marco Sprizzi, selaku wakil duta di kedutaan Vatikan di Kuala Lumpur.

Catholic Communicators told to be resourceful in facing Covid-19 pandemic

Catholic communicators in the Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei region have been called to be imaginative and resourceful in facing challenges that have arisen due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Brunei Bishop thanks Pope for “choosing someone from the peripheries”

Bishop Cornelius Sim, the Apostolic Vicar of Brunei, is among the 13 new cardinals Pope Francis announced on October 25. He will make them cardinals at a consistory in the Vatican on November 28.
