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Tag: B16

A recent update on Pope Benedict XVI

A recent Twitter post (on 27 October) with photos of the Pope Emeritus during the visit of the Bishop Stefan Oster (Diocese of Passau, Germany) and journalist Peter Seewald shows that he was "dazzling,...

Benedict XVI makes a short trip to have lunch with Pope Francis

When the Pope visited Benedict XVI at his Vatican residence, they got to catch up just like old friends. They met for about 30 minutes, but there was still lots more to talk about....

Pope asks world leaders to reject violence and hatred

ROME, Italy – At the midday recitation of the Angelus, Pope Benedict marked the anniversary of the 11 September terrorist attacks with a call for a rejection of violence and for a “Eucharistic spirituality”...

Pope hears confessions in the park at WYD

MADRID — Pope Benedict XVI began his third day in Madrid by hearing confessions in one of 200 portable confessionals set up in a park for World Youth Day pilgrims. Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican...
