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5 ways to observe St. Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday

On Feb. 14 of each year, the Roman Martyrology commemorates the anniversary of the martyrdom of St. Valentine of Rome, who is considered...

Misa Kudus Hari Rabu Abu di Sri Aman

Perayaan Misa Kudus Hari Rabu Abu telah dirayakan di gereja-gereja utama di Paroki Our Lady Queen of Peace, Sri Aman pada 22 Februari lalu. 


天主教会 2月22日星期三举行圣灰礼仪,神父在弥撒中以圣枝的灰烬撒点在教徒头顶上,意义是提醒信友要悔改及信从福音;及要记住人原来是土,后来仍要归于土。

Misa Hari Rabu Abu di Chapel Bonda Maria Stutong

Di Chapel Bonda Maria, Stutong, dua Misa Hari Rabu Abu berasingan telah dirayakan pada jam 7.00 pagi dan 8.00 malam pada 22 Februari 2023.

Celebrating Ash Wednesday at Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong

At the Chapel of Mother Mary Stutong, two separate Ash Wednesday Masses were celebrated at 7.00 am and 8.00 pm respectively on Wednesday...

Archbishop John Wong shares three points on Ash Wednesday Mass

Close to 600 faithful showed up for the Ash Wednesday morning mass on Feb 22 at St Paul, Dontozidon.