Tag: Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday to be celebrated with imposition of Ashes the traditional way
In reverting to Church practices pre-pandemic days, parishes in the Archdiocese of Kuching will apply the imposition of Ashes the traditional way
Penerangan mengenai Hari Rabu Abu kepada anak-anak Sekolah Hari Minggu
Pada 17 Mac lalu, di perkarangan Gereja ‘Our Lady Queen Of Peace’, para guru Kelas Agama telah menjalankan aktiviti di luar kelas bersama...
Hari Rabu Abu di Chapel Mother Mary, Stutong
Pada Hari Rabu Abu 2024, dua Misa berasingan telah dirayakan di Chapel Mother Mary, Stutong. Misa pertama pada jam 7.00 pagi dirayakan...
Ash Wednesday at Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong
On Ash Wednesday 2024, two separate Masses were celebrated at the Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong. The first Mass at 7.00 am was...
Pope at Ash Wednesday Mass: Jesus calls us to return to our heart this...
Pope Francis celebrates the beginning of Lent with Mass at the Basilica of Santa Sabina, and calls on the faithful to take up Jesus’...
Ash Wednesday: Leave the ashes on or wash them off?
At the Mass that marks the beginning of the season of Lent, which serves as preparation for Easter, the priest and the ministers who...