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Tag: Archdiocese of Kuching



Kuching Archdiocese welcomes another CDD priest, Fr Paul Hu

The Archdiocese of Kuching has been blessed with another missionary priest with the assignment of Fr Paul Hu Pi Xian CDD, to Sacred Heart Church, Kota Sentosa.

祝聖聖油彌撒 司鐸重發晉鐸誓願


Para paderi memperbaharui Ikrar Pentahbisan pada Misa Krisma

Para uskup dari setiap keuskupan secara tradisinya merayakan Misa Krisma bersama para paderinya, ketika mereka turut memperbaharui janji...

Priests renew Ordination Vows at Chrism Mass

The Bishop of every diocese traditionally concelebrates Chrism Mass with his priests, a time when they also renew their ordination promises witnessed by the Church community.

Former SJPS principal, Fr Francis Lim Chin Choy SJ appointed new MAS Socius

He was appointed the new MAS Socius by the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Fr Arturo Sosa SJ on 15 March 2022.