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Tag: Archdiocese of Kuching

The Intertwined Histories of our Faith and our State

From the earliest European Missions to the modern Archdiocese; from Brooke-era missionaries to present-day shepherds, come learn about the...

分辨天主的旨意   聆聽聖神的聲音


Menanggapi kehendak Tuhan dan mendengar suara Roh Kudus

Keuskupan Agung Kuching mengadakan Hari Rekoleksi Bersama pada 3 September menerusi ZOOM bersama paderi, religius, ahli majlis pastoral...

Discerning God’s will and listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit

The Archdiocese of Kuching held a Joint Day of Recollection (JDR) on 3 September via Zoom with priests, religious, parish pastoral councillors and lay leaders.

Keuskupan Agung Kuching teruskan Perjalanan Sinod dengan Perhimpunan Pastoral Paroki

Sebagai persiapan bagi Sinod Uskup-Uskup 2023 dan Persidangan Pastoral Seluruh Malaysia (PMPC) 2026, paroki-paroki di Keuskupan Agung...

Archdiocese of Kuching continues Synodal Journey with Parish Pastoral Assembly

In preparation for the Synod of Bishops 2023 and Pan Malaysian Pastoral Convention (PMPC) 2026, parishes are to hold their Parish Pastoral Assembly (PPA) in June and July 2022.