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Tag: Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur

KL clergy reflect on priesthood, pastoral jurisdiction, marriage preparation

Fifty-nine clergy of the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur gathered for their annual Clergy Pastoral Assembly (CAPA), at the Archdiocesan...

Warisan Fr Jean-Claude: Mengadun Injil, media dan belas kasihan selama 30 tahun di Malaysia

Pemergian Fr Francis Gerard Jean-Claude Lourdes pada 1 September 2024 telah meninggalkan ‘kekosongan’ bagi seorang nabi di Keuskupan Agung...

Fr Jean-Claude’s legacy: Blending gospel, media, and compassion for 30 years in Malaysia 

Fr Francis Gerard Jean-Claude Lourdes’ passing on 1 September 2024, has left a ‘vacancy’ for a prophet in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur...

Celebrating, Listening, and Walking Together

The Peninsular Malaysia Regional Pastoral Assembly 2024 (RPA2024), held from August 25-27 at the MAJODI Centre, brought together 427...

ECMI annual conference focuses on migrants and collaboration

The Episcopal Commission for Migrant and Itinerant (ECMI) held its annual conference from August 5 to 7. It was hosted by the Archdiocese...

Children take centre stage at Cathedral of St John

The Cathedral of St John the Evangelist hosted a belated celebration of World Children’s Day, having postponed the event due to scheduling...