Tag: Archbishop Simon Poh
150 receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday at Lundu Church
In conjunction with the Holy Spirit Parish feast day, and Pentecost Sunday on 9 June 2019, 150 faithfuls received their Sacrament of Confirmation from Kuching Archbishop Simon Poh.
Pilgrims flood Gethsemane Pilgrimage Centre on Opening Day
BUNAN-TEBEDU — St Jude’s Parish has reached another milestone when their Catholic community celebrated the fruit of their labour: the Gethsemane Pilgrimage Centre.
Sarawakians free to practise chosen faith
KUCHING — Let religious freedom continue to prevail and be strengthened in Sarawak, said Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas.
New parish Vision, Mission and logo for St Joseph’s Cathedral
KUCHING — In conjunction with the 50th Anniversary of the dedication of St. Joseph’s Cathedral, the parish launched her Vision and Mission statements together with a new logo for the Cathedral parish.
Paderi ke-30 ditahbis di Katedral St Joseph
KUCHING — Keuskupan Agung Kuching bergembira apabila jemaatnya menyaksikan paderi ke-30, John Ekly Direk, ditahbis di Katedral St Joseph.
Archdiocese of Kuching blessed with a new priest
KUCHING — The Archdiocese of Kuching rejoiced as her faithful witnessed the 30th priest, John Ekly Direk, being ordained in St Joseph’s Cathedral on 2 May 2019.