Tag: Archbishop Simon Poh
Celebrating Christmas in Harmony
In the spirit of giving and interfaith harmony, the annual Christmas Day open house at the Archdiocesan Curia and Catholic Pastoral Centre (ACCPC) welcomed parishioners, lay organisation members and invited guests to a hearty Christmas lunch buffet.
Home of Peace holds Christmas and Thanksgiving Party
The Home of Peace celebrated its annual Christmas and Thanksgiving Party on Saturday, 14 December at Jalan Landeh, Kota Padawan with more than 100 guests, staff and residents.
Preparing Catholics for a good marriage
Under the guidance of Archbishop Simon Poh, The Christian Family Life Commission organised a one-day seminar at St Mary’s Room, ACCPC on 2 November to review the Pre-Marriage courses in the Archdiocese.
Chinese Mission School gets new multipurpose hall
It was another important historical event for SJK Sam Hap Hin when Archbishop Simon Poh performed the earth breaking ceremony cum blessing of the site for the new multipurpose school hall on 6 December.
Unveiling and blessing of “Our Father” prayer plaque in Bidayuh Bau in Jerusalem
The Bau Bidayuh community can claim 29 November 2019 as a historical day for them. The “Sama koih” (Our Father) prayer plaque in the Bau Bidayuh dialect, engraved on the wall of the Pater Noster Church in Jerusalem, was unveiled after two years of planning and preparation.
St Joseph’s Cathedral holds first Parish Pastoral Assembly
As a new way of being church, St Joseph's Cathedral held its first Parish Pastoral Assembly (PPA) at the Archdiocesan Curia and Cathedral Pastoral Centre (ACCPC) on 23 November.