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Tag: Archbishop Simon Poh

Fr Patrick Heng celebrates Silver Jubilee of Sacerdotal Ordination

18 February 2020 marked 25 years of Fr Patrick Heng’s priestly ordination. To commemorate this joyous occasion, a celebratory dinner was held on 16 February at a local restaurant with about 800 people from different parishes, near and far, attending.

Fr Joseph Liew installed as new rector of Holy Trinity Church

The installation of the new rector for Holy Trinity Church was held during the Sunday First Mass on 9 February. It was celebrated by Kuching Archbishop Simon Poh and concelebrated by both Fr Patrick Heng and the newly installed Rector, Fr Joseph Liew.

‘Home of Peace’ adakan Parti Kesyukuran dan Krismas

Pusat ‘Home of Peace’ meraikan Parti Kesyukuran dan Krismas tahunan mereka pada 14 Disember lalu di Jalan Landeh, Kota Padawan dengan lebih 100 orang tetamu, kakitangan dan penduduk.

Meraikan Krismas dengan Harmoni

Dalam semangat memberi dan keharmonian antara agama, rumah terbuka tahunan Hari Krismas di Pusat Pastoral Katedral dan Kuria Keuskupan Agung (ACCPC) mengalu-alukan anggota paroki, ahli organisasi awam dan tetamu jemputan ke majlis makan tengah hari bufet Krismas.



