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Tag: Archbishop Simon Poh

Former Governor remembered for religious tolerance

Tun Pehin Taib throughout his several political portfolios, had supported many of the missionary projects of the Catholic Church.

Catholic lawyers reminded to be sensitive to the needy

Catholic lawyers in the Archdiocese of Kuching have celebrated the Votive or Red Mass for the legal fraternity since 2015.

Uskup Agung Kuching berkati patung Kristus Raja di Gunung Singai

Uskup Agung Katolik Metropolitan Kuching, Simon Poh telah memberkati patung Kristus Raja di Pusat Ziarah Memorial Katolik (CMPC) Singai...

CNY & LENT 2024 Message

CNY is about thanksgiving and family reunions while Lent calls us to the discipline of fasting, abstinence, sacrifice, prayer and almsgiving.



Archbishop Simon Poh pays tribute to mum at Funeral Mass

The Funeral Mass for the mother of Kuching Archbishop Simon Poh was held at St Joseph’s Cathedral on 26 December 2023.