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Tag: Archbishop Simon Poh



Pengurapan pembaptisan: Panggilan untuk menjadi umat Tuhan yang imamat, kenabian dan rajawi

Misa Krisma, yang menurut tradisi dirayakan oleh uskup setiap keuskupan bersama para paderinya dari seluruh keuskupan, dirayakan pada 27...

Baptismal anointing: A calling to be priestly, prophetic and kingly People of God

The Mass of the Chrism which the Bishop of every Diocese traditionally concelebrates with his priests throughout the Diocese was celebrated on 27 March 2024 at St Joseph’s Cathedral.

It’s Easter! Put away the crown of thorns, let’s embrace harmony

THE true meaning of Easter is not chocolates and lambs or bunnies and eggs. That is Easter as the world sees it – but still, such little...

EASTER 2024: Message from Kuching Archbishop Simon Poh

Alleluia! Christ has died and Christ is risen. Christians have just completed Holy Week from Palm Sunday, Last Supper, Good Friday and Easter Sunday (24 -31 March 2024).

Blessing and ceremonial earth breaking of extension of St Mark’s Church Project Phase 1

The present Church building in Batu Kawa was officially declared open in 1999 and currently serves a fast-growing Catholic community in Kuching.