Tag: Archbishop Simon Poh
Archbishop Simon Poh’s JUNE 2023 Message
Appropriately, let us give glory and thanksgiving to our Lord Jesus, “the Resurrection and the Life” (John 11:25).
MMA organises Rabies Awareness Public Forum – ‘Dog Bite Kills’
The Sarawak Branch of the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA), organised a Rabies Awareness Public Forum, ‘Dog Bite Kills’ at the MBKS Auditorium, Kuching, on 26 May 2023.
31 May 2023: Synodal Marian Prayer for Mother Mary and Synod of Bishops
Before morning Mass at the Holy Family Chapel on 31 May 2023, staff of the Archbishop’s Office gathered with Archbishop Simon Poh to pray the Synodal Marian Prayer ...
Cathedral celebrates early Gawai Dayak Mass
The Gawai Dayak Mass presided over by Archbishop Simon Poh and live-streamed from St Joseph’s Cathedral on 19 May 2023 was to celebrate a “harvest of God’s love in thanksgiving.”
Misa Hari Minggu mula dirayakan dalam Bahasa Malaysia di Gereja Holy Trinity, Kenyalang Park
Tanggal 16 April 2023 merupakan Hari Minggu yang sangat istimewa bagi Gereja Holy Trinity (HTC) di Kenyalang Park, Kuching.
Hari Raya St Joseph: ‘Sambutan berganda’ di Katedral
Pada 19 Mac 2023, Katedral St Joseph (SJC) memperingati Hari Raya Paroki pada Misa 5.00 petang Ahad di katedral yang dipimpin oleh Uskup...