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Tag: Archbishop Simon Poh

Red Mass: Catholic lawyers told to pray for preservation of peace and justice

Catholic lawyers in the Archdiocese of Kuching gathered for their annual Red Mass celebrated at Blessed Sacrament Church on 25 January 2025.

New St Peter’s Catholic Church is ‘God’s wonderful Gift’

The iconic St Peter’s Catholic Church in Padungan that had social media abuzz with excitement over its impending opening finally gave the...


为促进善意与加强跨宗教关系,砂拉越伊斯兰资讯中心(SIIC)代表团于2024年12月19日到访总主教公署与总主教座堂牧灵中心(ACCPC),礼节性拜访天主教傅云生总主教。代表团由代理首席执行官塔祖丁·莫赫达(Tazudin Mohtar)率领,成员包括砂拉越伊斯...

Kuching Carmel elects new Council

On 13 January 2025, the Carmelite Sisters of Kuching Carmel held their election after a morning of adoration of the Holy Eucharist and exhortation by Archbishop Simon Poh

Delegation from Sarawak Islamic Information Centre makes Christmas visit to foster unity

In a visit aimed to foster goodwill and strengthen interfaith relations, a delegation from the Sarawak Islamic Information Centre (SIIC)...

Archbishop Simon Poh launches Jubilee 2025 for Archdiocese of Kuching

To inaugurate the Opening of the Jubilee Year of Hope in the Archdiocese of Kuching, Archbishop Simon Poh began with praise and prayer, followed by rites for the Jubilee Year...