Tag: Archbishop Julian Leow
Malaysian Bishops call for end to violence against women and children
The Bishops' Conference of Malaysia joined its voice to global efforts to put a stop to all forms of gender-based violence, particularly against women and children.
Children pray the rosary with Archbishop Julian Leow
The Pontifical Mission Societies of the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur (PMS-ArchKL) launched the Mass for Children on World Mission Sunday Oct 18.
Keharmonian agama: dasar bagi kemakmuran dan pembangunan negara
Sebagai bantahan tambahan kepada kegagalan kerajaan pada hari ini untuk bertindak, semakin banyak majlis lain yang mewakili komuniti pelbagai agama di negara ini telah menyuarakan rasa tidak puas hati mereka terhadap kenyataan tidak sensitif mengenai Al-Kitab oleh Ahli Parlimen (MP) PAS Nik Muhammad Zawawi Bin Haji Salleh di Sidang Parlimen tidak lama yang lalu.
Religious harmony: bedrock for nation’s prosperity and development
The Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) views with great concern the developing controversy surrounding the recent statement of the Pasir Puteh MP.
Catholic Bishops join chorus to demand for apology from MP Pasir Puteh
The recent offensive statements made by PAS Pasir Puteh MP Nik Muhammad Zawawi Bin Haji Salleh at the 14th Dewan Rakyat Parlimen on 26 August, has received a torrent of backlash.
Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur to the faithful: “Stay safe and be holy”
“Stay safe and be holy”: is the exhortation that Archbishop Julian Leow Beng Kim, at the head of the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur, addressed to the faithful while Malaysia is gradually easing the lockdown of gatherings and religious assemblies, imposed because of Covid-19.