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Tag: Archbishop Emeritus John Ha

Jelajah dari Kuching ke Kudat

Rombongan jelajah iman Uskup Agung Emeritus John Ha bersama Fr Felix Au serta 12 umat awam dari Keuskupan Kuching dan Miri ke Paroki St Peter Kudat singgah merayakan Misa Kudus di Gereja Divine Mercy, KKIP, Telipok pada 25 Ogos 2024.

Leadership Succession: Lessons from Scripture and Service

Archbishop Emeritus (ABE) John Ha began by recounting his own experience of passing the baton to his successor, Archbishop Simon Poh in 2017.

Parish organises Corpus Christi Triduum to celebrate feast day

Catholics worldwide celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi as a memorial of Christ’s sacrificial love and real presence in the Eucharist. ‘Corpus Christi’ is Latin for ‘Body of Christ’.


古晋总教区牧灵议会于 2022年12月30日假古晋河滨阁大厅主办了一项圣诞节暨金庆晚宴,庆祝钟万庭荣休总主教晋牧五十周年,及夏长福荣休总主教晋铎五十周年。

Blessed Sacrament Church welcomes new Rector Fr Leonard Yap

Fr Leonard Yap was installed as the new Rector of Blessed Sacrament Church on 15 January, taking over from Fr Patrick Heng who has now been assigned as the Rector of St Peter’s College.

Sambutan Jubli Emas: Malam kesyukuaran yang tidak dapat dilupakan bagi dua Uskup Agung Emeritus,...

Majlis Pastoral Keuskupan Agung Kuching (APC) menganjurkan Majlis Makan Malam Jubli Emas dan Krismas di Grand Riverine Ballroom pada 30...
