Tag: Anniversary
古晉寶光村家庭玫瑰經團慶祝成立 41週年
今年 7月31日是傅云生总主教晋铎34周年。古晋总教区总主教公署的员工们于7月29日的员工弥撒后聚集一起,给总主教送上周年蛋糕祝贺他晋铎周年。图为总主教与刘子健神父(总主教后)及众员工。
Happy and Blessed Priestly Anniversary to Archbishop Simon Poh
To celebrate his 34th Priestly Ordination Anniversary, the staff at the Archbishop’s Office gathered on 29 July after staff Mass, to...
OCDS concludes 8th Malaysia Congress
OCDS Malaysia comprising of Kuala Lumpur, Kota Kinabalu, Miri and Kuching had recently concluded its 8th National Congress from 29 April...
Emmaus Servant Community celebrates 30th Anniversary with Renewal of Covenanting Pledge
ESC was commissioned on 15 March 1992 with Fr Chua becoming its first Head Shepherd and Pauline Lim as Head Servant, a coveted post she still presently holds.
Legionaries of Kuching Comitium commemorate 70 years of LOM in the Archdiocese
Legionaries of Kuching Comitium commemorated the 70th Anniversary of the Kuching Archdiocese Legion of Mary Apostolate and worldwide Centenary Celebration.