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Canossians celebrate 250th anniversary of the birth of their foundress

The Church of St Louis hosted the 250th anniversary celebration of the birth of St Magdalen of Canossa on September 15, themed Set Life on Fire.

聖母軍 – 中華之母支團慶祝30週年紀念暨蔡神父生日慶典

2024年7月4日,圣母军 - 中华之母支团在金翼阁举行了一场小型聚餐活动,庆祝成立30周年。圣母军团员、辅助团员、导师以及嘉宾齐聚一堂,共同纪念这个重要的里程碑。

39th Anniversary of the Dedication of Sacred Heart Cathedral

On 30 July, more than 2,000 parishioners who gathered for the 39th Anniversary Dedication Mass of Sacred Heart Cathedral witnessed a heavy...

‘First’ church in Japan celebrates 150th anniversary

Tsukiji Church, a cornerstone of Catholic heritage in Tokyo, celebrated its 150th anniversary with a Thanksgiving Mass on June 30...

Daughters of St. Paul celebrate 109 years of spreading Gospel through media

The Daughters of St. Paul, sometimes known as the Media Sisters, celebrate 109 years of service in 2024, following in the footsteps of...

Holy Trinity Church celebrates 52nd Anniversary

On 26 May 2024, the Most Holy Trinity Sunday, over 150 parishioners gathered for a potluck dinner with Archbishop Simon Poh following the...