Tag: Anniversary
St Stephen’s Church, Bau, celebrates Patron Saint with Festive Spirit
St Stephen's Church in Bau recently celebrated its Patron Saint's Feast Day with a series of joyous events. While the official Feast Day of...
SSVP celebrates 90 years of compassion
The Society of St Vincent de Paul (SSVP) in Malaysia has made remarkable strides over the past ninety years. Established in 1934 with the...
Bible Society Malaysia launches three local bibles
On 30 November 2024, the Bible Society Malaysia (BSM) launched the Alkitab Kudus Malaysia (BM Formal), Alkitab Berita Baik (Edisi Studi)...
古晉總主教座堂寶光村聖母無原罪始胎之後家庭玫瑰經團 慶祝成立43週年
2024年9月22日,在圣体堂为五位方济各会修女举行了终身献身生活周年纪念特别弥撒。家人、朋友和砂拉越圣方济各修女会的修女们齐聚一堂,参加了修道誓愿周年纪念。其中,Sylvia Cheong修女和 Paula Foo修女庆祝60周年钻禧, Lidwina Choo修女...
Celebrating the anniversary of Perpetual Profession of Consecrated Life
A special Mass to celebrate the anniversary of Perpetual Profession of Consecrated Life of five Franciscan Sisters was held at Blessed...