AlphaDM menyahut seruan Roh Kudus
Kursus kedua Alpha dipanggil AlphaDM kerana ia merupakan kolaborasi antara pelayanan Divine Mercy Sarawak dengan pasukan Pan Malaysia Alpha.
The Call of the Holy Spirit
The second Alpha online course which began on 4 July, was named AlphaDM as it was a collaboration between Divine Mercy Sarawak (DMS) and the Pan Malaysia Alpha team.
Alpha Weekend Away retreat for Chinese youth ministry
19 youths from the Chinese Youth Ministry joined their annual youth camp at Bunan Gega, Serian from 1 – 3 June 2019.
Experiencing ALPHA – The Catholic Context
KUCHING – As part of the Extraordinary Year for Mission (EYM) programme to focus on Mission in the Archdiocese of Kuching, the Archdiocesan Commission for Mission and Human Development, in collaboration with ALPHA Malaysia