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Tag: Almsgiving

Bagaimana bersedekah boleh merapatkan kita dengan Tuhan

Bersedekah, termasuk menyumbang masa, bakat dan harta kita kepada orang lain yang memerlukannya, adalah ciri utama kepercayaan Kristian.

How almsgiving can bring us closer to God

Almsgiving, which includes giving our time, talent and treasure to others in need, is a hallmark of the Christian faith.

CMI Lenten visit to San Damiano Kiulu

‘This visit is not a coincidence but it is already in God’s plan,’ said Friar Gerald Saimel to the students of San Damiano Girls’ Hostel...

Almsgiving: An overshadowed Lenten pillar has something to say

When it comes to the three pillars of Lent, almsgiving is a little bit like the middle child, not always getting the attention that prayer and fasting do.