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Tag: All Saints Day

The day the Saints came marching in

Every year on 1 November, All Saints Day is observed to honour all Saints in heaven, a day to celebrate and remember Saints. Initiated...



What would Jesus do at funerals?

Approaching the celebrations of All Saints and All Souls in our Church, a Youth Gathering with the theme ‘What Would Jesus Do At Funerals’...

Pope on All Saints’ Day: With the Lord’s help, let’s aspire to holiness

During his Angelus address on this Solemnity of All Saints, Pope Francis invites faithful to not see holiness as unattainable, and urges...

Kenapa anda adalah sebahagian daripada Persekutuan Para Kudus walaupun anda belum sampai ke Syurga

Seperti apa yang orang kata, tidak ada temasya yang sama seperti temasya Katolik, dan pada Hari Perayaan Semua Orang Kudus, parti itu ada...

Of Candles and Flowers

In the month of November, as a month to commemorate saints and souls of departed loved ones, the youths gathered at the St Joseph's...