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Uskup Agung lancar Rayuan Adven

Uskup Agung Kuching Simon Poh telah melancarkan “Rayuan Adven” bagi tujuan mengurangkan kemiskinan dan penderitaan serta membawa harapan dan sukacita Krismas kepada masyarakat yang memerlukannya.

Pandemic unleashes creativity and innovation in CAC community

The surprise Advent carolling at the morning prayer of the CAC community Dec 9 created a palpable sense of longing for Christmas and “family closeness” among the aspirants and diocesan staff

“New norm” Confessions in unprecedented times

The social distancing measures imposed during the coronavirus pandemic have not only prevented Catholics from going in person to celebrate the Mass, but have also largely put a stop to the practice of Confession.

“Displaced like Jesus”

As a continuation of Pope Francis' message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2020, the Vatican office for Migrants and Refugees has created this Advent game to help our Catholic faithful journey closer with migrants in our midst.

Pope Francis: Ask God for the gift of conversion in Advent

We should ask God for the gift of conversion this Advent, Pope Francis said in his Angelus address Sunday.

Advent and Christmas 2020… Come Alive!

No doubt about it, Christmas is going to be very different for all of us this year. But guess what? It doesn’t need to be dry, right? Join us, let us make Christmas 2020 COME ALIVE!