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Pope: May Advent awaken us to God’s presence in our daily lives

On the first Sunday of Advent, Pope Francis calls on us to “awaken from our slumber” and to always be aware of the presence of God and to welcome Him in our daily lives.

Adven: Siap-siaga dan Menjangkakan sukacita

Bagi ramai daripada kita, permulaan Adven merupakan satu peluang untuk menukar gear dan memperlahankan sedikit langkah tatkala kita bersiap-sedia untuk merayakan kelahiran Tuhan kita.

Advent: Being Prepared and Anticipating Joy

The start of Advent is, for many of us, an opportunity to change gears and to slow down a little as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Lord.

Pope: During Advent ask what we should do for Jesus and others

At the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis says the Advent Season is about asking ourselves how to prepare for Christmas and what we can do for Jesus and others, concretely, in our lives.

Is God before us, in our seeking gaze?

The First Sunday of Advent presents us with some tough questions that Google cannot answer. Jesus doesn’t offer easy answers, but a renewed vision of who we are redeemed by his love.

Advent and Hope

Advent is a season of waiting and hope. During this pandemic time, most people, if not all, have kind of lost hope in the human race.