Tag: Advent
圣三堂华文联委会于2024年12月7日成功举办了将临期退省,此活动总共有205位教友踊跃参与,从早上8时15分开始至中午12时30分圆满结束。退省以颂念玫瑰经和赞美敬拜歌曲揭开序幕,由张小燕姐妹带领敬拜环节。讲座于上午九时正式开始,由林克润神父(Fr Paul Ling)主讲...
ADVENTure 2024: Growing in Relationships… with God as sole source and summit
As we entered the season of Advent, we were blessed with the opportunity to attend ADVENTure 2024, an Advent weekend spiritual retreat...
Rekoleksi Adven Girumpung Dayung Katolik Paroki St Jude Bunan-Tebedu
Pada 14 Disember 2024, Girumpung Dayung Katolik (GDK) Paroki St Jude Bunan-Tebedu telah mengadakan Rekoleksi Adven di Gereja St Peter...
Seminar Keluarga: ‘Iman Keluarga dalam Adven’
Pada 7 Disember 2024, Dewan Sam Hap Hin menjadi saksi kepada kehangatan dan kesatuan 650 peserta daripada pelbagai paroki di Keuskupan...
Mother Teresa’s simple remedy for peace this Advent
This one-second gesture suggested by St. Teresa of Calcutta is perfect for the festive season and beyond. As we arrive at the fourth...
Preparing the way of the Lord during Advent
Advent reminds us that we need to prepare our hearts for the Lord by removing any obstacles that prevent his coming into our lives...