By N. Chin
KUCHING — ST JOSEPH’S CATHEDRAL PARISH FAMILY DAY was successfully held on Sunday, 29 September 2024 at the Cathedral compound. Prior to this, registered pre-sale operators were encouraged to conduct pre-sales anytime between the months of May to mid-September. On the actual day, there were 78 stalls altogether and total proceeds of RM355,216 (inclusive of pre-sales) was raised in aid of the Archdiocesan Curia and Cathedral Pastoral Centre (A.C.C.P.C.) Operations and Maintenance Fund.

Apart from raising funds for the upkeep of the A.C.C.P.C. building, there were many fun activities for the whole family, both young and old aimed at promoting fellowship, sense of belonging and community building.
A Thanksgiving Mass was celebrated by Archbishop Simon Poh and concelebrated by Frs Nicholas Ng, Mark Bonchol and Davie Entalai on Friday, 18 October, 8.00 pm at the Cathedral.
Archbishop Simon Poh, together with the priests and Parish Pastoral Council of St Joseph’s Cathedral expressed their deepest gratitude to all our parishioners, pre-sale and stall operators, all kind sponsors and benefactors, lay organisations and ministries, St Joseph’s International School, St Peter’s College, Sisters of St Francis of Sarawak, the Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade, and all who have supported and contributed one way or another to the success of this event.
During the Mass, Fr Nicholas gave out ‘thank you’ letters to all sponsors, pre-sale and stall operators present. Apart from the Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade, he also presented Certificates of Appreciation to Bro Robert Teoh, FMS on behalf of the teacher-in-charge (Ms Feniellia Diwvya) and student helpers from St Joseph’s International School who have done a marvellous job before, during and after the sale day.
The Cathedral Parish also took the opportunity to congratulate Archbishop Simon on being awarded by the Governor of Sarawak—Panglima Setia Bintang Sarawak (P.S.B.S.) which carries the title “DATO”. Archbishop thanked the congregation and said the award is an honour offered to God as the local Catholic Church has been recognised for her past and present contribution to the state of Sarawak.
Archbishop also expressed joy that the Parish Family Day has resumed after a 4-year hiatus following the Covid-19 pandemic. He implored God’s continual blessings upon everyone involved and those who will continue to use the facilities in A.C.C.P.C. and other Church buildings and all who enter the Cathedral parish compound. He further stressed that by supporting the Parish Family Day it also meant that we are directly supporting the Archbishop’s Curia and its Commission Offices which are located at Level 1 of A.C.C.P.C.
The Cathedral Parish is the mother Church where the Archbishop sets and implements the vision and direction for all parishes in the whole Archdiocese.
On behalf of the Cathedral Parish and the Archbishop’s Curia, Archbishop Simon thanked all who have contributed to the event and invites more participation and support from other parishes (i.e. register as pre-sale and stall operators, sell coupons, etc) to ensure that the St Joseph Grand Hall and Mater Domini Auditorium are well maintained for formation events to bless all our Catholics in the Archdiocese of Kuching.
“Now to God who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to our God be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” (Eph 3:20-21)