St Joseph Altar Servers hold Zoom rosary prayer

A screenshot of altar servers at the rosary prayer via Zoom

By John Deho

KUCHING  Pope Francis was quoted recently speaking to 9,000 altar servers, “Serving at the altar is a privileged way to draw closer to Jesus, which in turn ‘enables you to open yourselves to others, to journey together, to set demanding goals and to find the strength to achieve them.'” 

During the pandemic, all churches remain closed, but with the help of technology, a lot of activities can be done. St Joseph Altar Servers gather online at least once a week to remind themselves that they are “prayer leaders” and continue to serve GOD despite the pandemic.

One of the activities that they do online is praying the rosary. Although they cannot meet, they still continue to support each other and that is the beauty of being an altar server.

Let us continue to pray that the pandemic will end.


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