St Ann’s Parish Pastoral Council Election

From left: Lawrence Teresa, Gregory Kiyong, Judas Ligon, Friar Don Don (Rector), Magdalene Ajang, Atalantha Martin and Lucy Noraini.

By Janet Bong

KOTA PADAWAN — St Ann’s Catholic Church with its 51 outstation parishes in the Kota Padawan area, together with 15 ministries, stands as a vital thread, weaving together the aspirations, concerns, and faith of the community.

On 2 March 2024, the main EXCO PPC members were elected from among the PPC members and representatives. The election process began with a prayer session and blessing by the rector Fr Don Don Ramerez, OFM. 

The essence of democracy thrives on participation. By casting their votes and standing for candidacy, individuals embody the spirit of engagement, recognising their role as servants of the parish’s journey.

Through the democratic process, individuals from various walks of life and backgrounds come forward to offer themselves as stewards of the parish, advocating the needs and aspirations of their fellow parishioners.

The following EXCO PPC were elected for the term 2024-2026:

Chairman: Judas Ligon

Vice Chairman: Magdalene Lungan Ajang

Secretary: Gregory Roy Kiyong

Assistant Secretary: Lawrence Teresa

Treasurer: Atalantha Martin

Assistant Treasurer: Lucy Noraini

As elected representatives, council members are called to exercise servant leadership, nurturing the faith, unity, and well-being of the parish while safeguarding its mission for future generations. Central to the mission of the Catholic Church is the call to stewardship, the responsible management of God’s gifts for the flourishing of all. 

In the complex dance of faith and governance, pastoral council elections emerge as a cornerstone of Catholic communal life, embodying the principles of participation, representation, and stewardship. 

As we journey together as the Body of Christ, let us embrace the democratic spirit that animates our parish life, recognising that in the act of casting our votes and standing for office, we bear witness to our shared commitment to building God’s kingdom on earth.


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