KUCHING — In the spirit of Lent, one of the Society of St Vincent de Paul’s (SSVP) activities in Kuching is to organise a ‘gotong royong’ visit for parishioners, their family members and friends, to our Home of Peace (HOPE).
The visit is to bring cheer to the elderly residents as well as provide an avenue for the visitors to practice their Lenten calling.
On 17 March 2019, SSVP members and visitors gathered at HOPE at 9:30 am.
After a group photo session, they proceeded to carry out various activities under the direction of HOPE’s manager, Sr. Ursula.
The activities included cleaning the pavement with water pumps, re-painting the curb, wiping down doors, windows, grills and railings, pruning some of the trees, and engaging the residents in singing and board games.

The visit ended with a fellowship lunch with the residents at the mess hall. Both visitors and residents enjoyed the visit tremendously.
Society of St Vincent de Paul