Sr. Conception of the Holy Family, OCD: Testimonies & Tributes


This is the testimony of Mother Prioress Margaret who looked after Sr Conception when she was hospitalised last month.

Sr Conception’s love for the Eucharist

We sisters all know the great love Sr Conception had for the Eucharist. She used to visit the Blessed Sacrament whenever she could, even when she was prioress or busy to answer the turn called. Even when she was on tube feeding, and could not swallow well, she still would receive one piece of HOST without fail, in her mouth.

On 13 May 2022 at about 4.45pm, the doctors in hospital increased the dosage of the painkiller as they saw Sr Conception’s hands were stiff from Parkinson. When a fresh attack came, she would be groaning in pain despite being on painkiller. Everybody could see that she was suffering and groaning. But I could hear that every groan of hers was actually an unceasing prayer and offering to God…

I …re..joice …in the Lord (repeatedly, brokenly the whole period of groaning…)

I …re..joice …in the House of …the Lord.  He …is the …ONE… I love. 

J..E..S..U..S.  Have…mer…cy…on…me.  Confirm…confirm…confirm.

HE …is the Way… I …re..joice…   Je…s…us….your…will…be…done…

For …Sal…va…tion…. Sal…va…tion………. Sal…va…tion.

For …my…. sal…va…tion……my…sal…va…tion…sal…va…tion…salvation..

When I finally heard that she had asked for her own salvation, I knew that her suffering was over. During her suffering earlier, I was holding her hands all the time. From the strength that she was grasping my hands, I sensed the intensity of the pain she was experiencing! But God was with her in her suffering because her eyes were wide opened, teary, and looking upward non-stop as she pronounced all the sentences. 

That was a conversation with God whom she knew loved her, suffered, and died for her. In turn, she had accepted the suffering with courage and patience, offering it up to God for salvation of all mankind and for her own soul.

I share with you, that one thing I am sure, God will only take her when she is ready! When? I don’t know but definitely not in the hospital! 

So, Sr Conception was discharged and returned to the Monastery where she returned to the Lord on Saturday afternoon. 

Mother Prioress Margaret, 12 June 2022, Trinity Sunday


Sr Conception inspired my prayer life. I used to visit her at the Carmelite and she would incessantly tell me to pray. She was persistent. She even asked me to consider being a nun when I was young. I told her this wasn’t the kind of life for me. I had other interests.

However, over the years of regular visits, I began to include prayers in my life. The turning point came when I faced a medical crisis. After seeking the opinions of doctors including in KL and Singapore, I was told I needed to have surgery to remove a growth in my body.

I realised what a powerful God we have. He had prepared me with a prayerful life. I had to undergo a painful operation, and in times of need I had turned to God. I discovered that prayers helped me in all situations, including dealing with family life.

I eventually became a Carmelite OCDS and now have a prayer life, thanks to Sr Conception, my eldest sister….Datin Sri Annie Yeo, OCDS

I loved to be with Sr Conception because her conversation was always God-centered. She always advised me to live in the presence of God and to prepare myself well to meet our dear Lord Jesus Christ when He calls.

For the past few years, Sr Conception’s health was deteriorating but her mind was still sharp and God-centered. She blessed me with the sign of the cross on my forehead when I asked for her blessing towards the end of her earthly life.

I always loved seeing her mischievous smile followed by a giggle whenever I called her “darling” (her family nickname)….Catherine Sim, OCDS

The sincere smile of the late Sr Conception caught my attention when I first met her at the Carmelite guest parlour. She was the Mother Superior then. As our ocds formation was in the initial stages, we requested to have conference with her to boost our formation. She readily accepted.

Her soft-spoken voice shared deep faith in Jesus and teachings of St Teresa of Jesus (STOJ). She tried her best to relate to us Carmelite spirituality. Her perseverance and availability impressed us though sometimes we may not understand what she said. However, we continued and eventually caught the Carmel thoughts. She was kind and patient when we asked her to repeat the teachings. Her character had inspired us much in our vocation….Alice Chew, OCDS

I came to know Sr Conception in the early 70s when I used to follow my late mother to talk to the Carmelite Sisters at the ‘turn’ of the Monastery. From then our friendship developed.

Sr Conception invited me to join OCDS (The Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites) but I did not think much about it then. However, a couple of years later, I joined and I attribute this to the fruit that she reaped from her sowing.

In the initial years of my vocation, I would drop by the monastery to seek Sr Conception for guidance and direction. Sister was gentle yet very very firm in her guidance. Sister was soft spoken but spoke with great wisdom and she never failed to assure and affirm me. I was very drawn to her great love for Jesus and her faithfulness in her vocation which helped me to pursue my own vocation.

For all your thoughts and prayers, I am eternally grateful to you and I miss you, dear Sr Conception. Until we meet again, may you rest in eternal peace, Amen….Juliana Lim, OCDS

During the formative years of Christ The King OCDS Community, Sr Conception, OCD was the Mother Prioress from 2005 to 2008. She had kindly helped form the OCDS on the works of St Teresa of Avila, and all these were done through the grilles at the parlour of the monastery.

She was so soft spoken that we struggled to hear her; but we were so hungry to learn about the spirituality that we hung on every word that she said with determined determination!

My special personal encounter with her was during one of my visits at the turn when I asked her whether she needed any favour from me and that I would very much like to help.

She asked for a sword and initially, I was stunned! “ Why do you need a sword sister?” I asked. She then went on to say it was for a bust of Mary, Our Lady of Sorrow, which she was sculpting, and her request was met….Cynthia Lim, OCDS


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