KUCHING — The finals of the 25th National SPM Bible Knowledge Quiz was held via Zoom on 14 August 2021. Ten teams made it to the finals. It was an oral quiz with two participants in each team.
There were three teams from St Joseph’s Private School who represented Kuching Region. The others were SMK Methodist Sibu representing Miri/Sibu/Bintulu Region; SM St Patrick Tawau and SM Lok Yuk Kota Kinabalu representing Sabah/Labuan Region; SMJK Chung Ling and Penang Chinese Girls’ High School for Northern Region; St Francis Institution Melaka representing Southern Region; and Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (International) for Central Region.

There was a total of 169 teams from all over Malaysia in the semi-finals which was held online on 31 July 2021 using MCQ format (multiple-choice questions).
Ms Moey Yoke Lai, former CEO of Methodist College Kuala Lumpur (MCKL) who is the adviser of the quiz, welcomed the finalists and guests at the beginning. She also prayed for a smooth running of the quiz. Next, Dato’ Dr Mah Hang Soon, the Deputy Minister of Education II gave a speech. He emphasised on the importance of the role of NGOs like the Federation of Christian Mission Schools Malaysia (FCMSM), in their contributions toward quality education in Malaysia. FCMSM is the organiser of this annual quiz.
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the SPM National Bible Knowledge quiz. Praise and thanks be to Almighty God for sustaining this quiz for the past 25 years. This quiz is open to all students from Form 3 to 5, and is based on the Bible Knowledge paper which is offered as an elective in SPM every year. This quiz is also endorsed by Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia.
Eunice Wong and Natalie Song of St Joseph’s Private School emerged as the champion team in this year’s quiz while their school counterparts, Lau Zhi You and Ehlena Lau followed as the first runner-up team. Third placing went to Ivan Yap and Emery Edgar Kabi from SM St Patrick of Tawau.
Comments from the top 2 teams:

“My partner and I headed into the quiz with many doubts and worries but now, I am beyond grateful and happy that everything we put into this was fruitful.” – Eunice Wong
“Our success was not without tears, frustration and dedication, so I’m just really glad all our prayers and revisions paid off. Coming out on top made me realise the truth behind the saying by Jesus, “a worker should be given his pay”, for whoever does their best will definitely be rewarded.” – Natalie Song

“I think the overall experience was a rollercoaster ride of emotions but the things I thus learnt and 2nd place finish was a more than satisfactory justification to the sleepless nights and effort I put in.” – Lau Zhi You
“I am relieved our efforts brought us thus far. I would like to also credit my partner and teachers who have made this first and last time possible. Slip-ups, fist bumps and jittery nerves aside, it was truly a feat won through “Ora et Labora” – prayer and labour.” – Ehlena Lau

St Joseph’s Private School (SJPS)