SIBU — For the love of their shepherds who dedicate their lives to serve the people, the faithful brushed off the drizzle to fill the Sacred Heart Cathedral for the 7.30 pm Chrism Mass tonight (29 March 2023).
Better known as the Priest Day Mass here, the congregation prayed for their beloved priests, thanking God for them and their dedication to their ministry.

Bishop Joseph Hii in his homily stressed on the common priesthood of the people of God. Through baptism, all the faithful share in the priesthood of Christ. The Chrism Mass, he said, is not just the Priest Day for priests.
Adding that we are all chosen, imperfect as we are, Bishop Hii called for mutual forgiveness and reconciliation for both parties – the clergy and the faithful – for shortcomings, weaknesses and expectations-not-met, more often than not due to lack of understanding, to look at the good side of one another and to always pray for one another to let the Holy Spirit work through everyone to build up the Church.