SHC parish extends support to KK medical frontliners

Fr Russell Lawrine (left) and Sr Anita of SHC handing over second batch of contributions.

By Catherine Engsun

KOTA KINABALU — Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish continues to support and care for the QEH medical frontliners with a second batch of contributions through its FoodForFrontliners (FFF) donation drive that began on Oct 23.

The donation drive, collaborated by the Parish Human Development Committee (PHDC) under the parish, has collected RM34,530.00. The donation drive ended on Oct 31.

The first batch, made possible by contributions from the Cathedral parish and its sub-parish of Church of Mary Immaculate (CMI), consisting of dry foodstuffs was delivered to the healthcare workers at QEH1 on Oct 24. The second round of contribution, from part of its total fund received, consisting of 39 cartons of dry foodstuffs, 25 thermo pots and 25 extension cables was delivered on Nov 5.

These items together with donated Christian spiritual reading materials (prayer cards, books and others) were handed over to Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kota Kinabalu  by assistant priest, Fr Russell Lawrine. Present at the handing over were some members of the parish, including committee members of PHDC. After the presentation, Fr Lawrine prayed a special blessing for the medical frontliners.

Fr Lawrine (hidden) prays for the medical frontliners

The donated items (requested by medical workers), besides foodstuffs for the medical frontliners, were extended to patients bedded at the various quarantine centres at QEH (Sports Complex and Likas Assessment Centre), Kepayan, Penampang Cultural Centre, Politeknik KK, Institut Kemahiran Mara (IKM) and Rumah Merah.

The support to the medical frontliners will be ongoing until all funds are fully utilized.  Updates of the parish/sub-parish humanitarian activities will be posted on both SHC and CMI FB pages and notice boards.

To all generous donors and individuals, within and outside the parish/sub-parish, the parish acknowledged with gratitude that your contributions have made it possible for the Church to give some support and bring cheer not only to our hardworking medical frontliners but also to patients in quarantine.

Catholic Sabah


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