EQUIP Leadership Training: A seminarian shares his experience

EQUIP Trainer Eileen (seated centre) flanked by Lim and Archbishop Simon Poh on her right and left, respectively. (Photo: Stephanie Chua)

The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council (APC) organised EQUIP Leadership Training Notebook 2 on 14 – 15 June at the Archdiocesan Curia Cathedral Pastoral Centre (ACCPC) Mater Domini auditorium in conjunction with the Extraordinary Mission Year 2019.

Based on the theme “Servant’s Heart”, the programme is aimed to enrich the three essential aspects: Spiritual, Skills and Strategies of leadership formation for the Parish Pastoral Councillors (PPCs) and Lay Leaders.

It was conducted by Eileen Leong and her husband Lim Fung Ming from EQUIP, an organisation founded by John C. Maxwell. There were about 90 attendees.

I personally have gained much from this programme as it is a systematic and biblical way of training church leaders. With 7 years of working in the corporate world, the approaches of leadership in the secular world can definitely be quite different from those in the church.

Before I entered the seminary, I was given a leadership role in the young adult ministries. Those experiences were invaluable and have shaped me in many ways in terms of Church leadership. By attending this training, I have come to un-learn and re-learn leadership skills.

Throughout the training, those points that I have subconsciously connected in terms of leadership, became affirmations, confirmations and reminders for me. For those points that I have never encountered, I have come to learn new things.

It was compulsory for the seminarians to attend the training because as future priests, we will inevitably be put in a leadership position. Therefore, it is crucial to be equipped with sufficient leadership skills and strategies, or at least to be aware of them in connection with our spirituality.

This will aid us in leading others to encounter Christ and building a vibrant church journeying together towards Christ.

I am truly thankful to the speakers and the team that have come together, putting so much effort in organising this programme and I pray that there will be more formation programmes as such, to shape the leadership among the clergies and laities for the greater Kingdom of God.

Sylvester Wong (3rd Theology Year Seminarian)


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