Sarawak State Council, The Boys’ Brigade In Malaysia AGM

One for the album. Photo: Jae Bong of Chin Daw Methodist Church

KUCHING — Rev. Dr. Khoo Ho Peng launched the Sarawak State Council, The Boys’ Brigade In Malaysia, inaugural theme during the 2019 AGM at Blessed Sacrament Church from 1-2 March.

The newly-composed biennial theme, ‘United in Vision, Advancing Christ’, was approved by the State Executive Committee last year. It is guided by the Bible verse taken from Romans 15:6 (so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ).

Rev. Dr. Khoo, who is also the State Chaplain, in his exhortation, emphasized on the importance of having a theme as it helps to focus on vision. “When you are in the Boys’ Brigade long enough, you may tend to forget your Object. It takes years to internalize your sense of purpose. Any Christian organization will face the common danger of turning into a social club,” he cautioned.

Using John 17:11, 20-23, the good shepherd imparted to the Officers that unity matters to God, and unity is not uniformity. “Be united in BB’s vision and seek to be faithful in your respective mission field. Without unity, we will not go far. Any organization will disintegrate without unity.”

He further explained by analogy: “Imagine BB as a ship. Though there are many rooms and compartments (opinions) but ultimately, it’s the ship deck (God’s Kingdom) that forms the permanent covering. We come from diverse backgrounds. We must preserve unity since we are called to service.”

Continuing his exhortation, Rev. Dr. Khoo underscored three key essentials; Leaders must sincerely care for each other, BB’s good relationship with the Sponsoring Church, Leaders who truly serve Christ.

Rev. Dr. Khoo also encouraged the BB Officers to seize the moment and open more harvest fields specifically to the indigenous youth in the rural and urban areas.

In conclusion, Rev. Dr. Khoo reminded the Officers of the power and promise of the Holy Spirit (John 14:15-17, Acts 1:8). “In our ministry, you are the spiritual leaders and you will need The Holy Spirit to advance God’s Kingdom.”

Day 1, Officers’ Conference

Capt. Clement Sii of 11th Kuching Coy (Sponsoring Church – Blessed Sacrament Church) was introduced by State Training Chairman Lt. Aaron Tieng Shiaw Harng to say a few words.

Capt. Clement Sii of 11th Kuching Coy (Sponsoring Church – Blessed Sacrament Church) was introduced by State Training Chairman Lt. Aaron Tieng Shiaw Harng to say a few words.

For the first time, a Roman Catholic Church played host to the State AGM venue.

Captain Sii, a former Officer of 2nd Kuching, warmly welcomed all the Officers present. He then invited Rev. Fr. Felix Au, the Chaplain of 11th Kuching, to welcome the participants. In his short message, the charismatic and likeable priest praised Capt. Sii and his team of Officers for their commitment and enthusiasm. “We are starting to see this ministry bearing fruits already,” he encouraged his Coy. “Keep up the good work.”

This year, a record-breaking 38 out of 42 Companies in Sarawak represented by 86 Officers and Helpers attended the AGM.

The sessions in the Officers’ Conference were: BB Mindset I (Serving as BB Officer) – by State Commissioner Hon. Capt. Hii King Ong, BB Mindset II (Serving Together) – Lt. David Wong Siew Ling, BB Mindset III (Why, How and What) – by Lt. Aaron Tieng Shiaw Harng , Challenges and Blessings as BB Officer – by Lt. Aaron Tieng Shiaw Harng and BB Protocols and Traditions – by Hon. Capt. Joseph Tin, Honorary State Commissioner.

Day 2, AGM

The last day was packed from morning to night. Sessions included BB Alumni overview, Extension Works, Resource-sharing, BBM Constitution, Exhortation by State Chaplain, BBM Pre-Juniors and Junior Board Matters, State Camp, BB Love Box, State Training, Budget, and followed by State AGM held in the evening.

Important highlights of the AGM included the election of the State Commissioner and appointment of State Executive Members for the new two-year term, 2019-2020. Hon. Capt. Hii King Ong returned uncontested as State Commissioner.

The State Executive Members also retained their same respective posts:  Rev. Dr. Khoo Ho Peng (State Chaplain), Hon. Capt. Lo Hoi Fook (Hon. Commissioner), Hon. Capt. Joseph Tin Kiew Seng (Hon. Commissioner), Capt. Edmund Wong Kiing Sung (Deputy Commissioner), Hon. Capt. Guang Chin Tung (Deputy Commissioner), Hon. Capt. Lawrence Wong Ching Tuong (Deputy Commissioner), Hon. Capt. Roseline Lee Chai Ngit (State Secretary), Lt. Linda Ting Pick Sieng (State Treasurer), Lt. Aaron Tieng Shiaw Harng (State Training Chairman), Capt. Sim Tze Sian (State Chairman, Social Welfare and Community Service), Lt. Hu Wei Ung (State Executive Secretary).


Junior Gold Award – presented by Rev. Fr. Felix Au
L/Cpl. Ivan Jong Zhen Yin (2nd Kuching), Pte. John Reuben Sim Kiang Yong (2nd Kuching), Jordon Foo Toon Chiat (2nd Kuching)
Officers Service Medal – presented by State Chaplain Rev. Dr. Khoo Ho Peng
Bronze Service Medal – Lt. Donny Lau Song Fu (7th Kuching), Lt. Chia Jia Jen (7th Kuching), Lt. Mike Wong Kee Ing (4th Sibu)
Silver Service Medal – Capt. Wong Pak Ing (4th Sibu)
Officer Training Program Purple Award – Lt. Mike Wong Kee Ing (4th Sibu)


State Commissioner Hon. Capt. Hii King Ong presented a gift token to Mr. Thomas Ting, Chairman of the Parish Pastoral Council, Blessed Sacrament Church.

2020 AGM

Next year’s AGM will be in Mukah from 6-7 March 2020.

Lt. James TC Wong, 4th Miri Coy

This story was first published at on 6 March 2019


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