Sarawak Catholic Teachers’ Guild attends Afternoon Retreat

Retreatants with Fr Stanley Goh, SJ (standing 2-R)

By Sarawak Catholic Teachers’ Guild (SCTG)

KUCHING — On 7 July 2024, several committee members of the Sarawak Catholic Teachers’ Guild gathered for a recollection at Canisius House for a simple afternoon Retreat with the theme, “The Heart of Silence”.

The Retreat Master, Fr Stanley Goh, SJ who is also on the committee of SCTG, began with Mark 6:31: “And he said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves to a lonely place, and rest a while.'”

Using the Jesuit’s spirituality of contemplative prayer, he guided the retreat participants through a series of introductory pointers about being “Still and Silent”, several suggested scripture passages, and the practice of Lectio Divina.

Participants then chose any spot around and inside Canisius House as their place of solitude.

Despite the short afternoon session participants were able to, “Hear Self, Hear God”, which was actually a solitary moment for oneself to find “Comfort with Self and Comfort with God”.

After an hour of silence, the Divine Mercy chaplet was recited for personal intentions and offerings, as it was also the three o’clock hour. Following this, light refreshments were served.

To conclude the session, Fr Stanley brought everyone to share their personal mission for Christ: “What have I done for Christ? What am I doing for Christ? What ought I do for Christ?”


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