Renewal of Commitment to serve by staff of the Online Radio KekitaanFM Diocese of Keningau

By Sr Bibianah, FSP

KENINGAU – KekitaanFM, an Online radio in Keningau Diocese, was launched on 3rd October 2020 and has successfully been operating for three months as of 3rd January 2021. This is an occasion for celebration and thanksgiving to God for enabling them to reach this milestone.

Although it has been operating for such a short time, the Online Radio KekitaanFM has brought significant changes and tremendous blessings to the Diocese of Keningau. Since it is cloud based, it has the capacity and power to reach millions of people not only within the Diocese of Keningau but in other areas and countries as well. In other words, it has enhanced the way the church reaches out to people in terms of pastoring.

To mark the  third month,  a half day mini-recollection was organized for all the staff (radio presenters and sound production crew) on Sunday afternoon, 3rd January 2021,  from 1pm – 5pm at Tatal retreat Centre, Keningau. Sr Bibianah of the Daughters of St Paul was invited by Bishop Cornelius Piong  to assist in the motivational inputs.

Chosen to be a prophet to deliver God’s message – Anda di pilih menjadi nabi menyampaikan pesan Tuhan was the main theme for the recollection.  In line with the theme, two other sub topics were discussed by the facilitator, namely: the coordination of the Vision and  Mission of the Online radio KekitaanFM with that of the Diocese of Keningau;  and on the importance of an ethical practice  in their roles as radio presenters or supporting crew and  be the ear and mouthpiece of the Church. In addition, the facilitator, in her reflections, cited some articles from Church documents as highlighting the duty and right of the church to use all forms of media for evangelization, and which also stressed the need for the practice of exemplary lives by all media personnel.

A thanksgiving Eucharistic celebration was held at 5pm, celebrated by Bishop Cornelius and concelebrated by Fr Clement Abel, the spiritual Director of the Social Communications Commission (SOCCOM/KOMSOS) of Keningau. The bishop in his homily gave a bit of background on how the Online radio KekitaanFM came about. He acknowledged with gratitude  that it was  the Holy Spirit that inspired us with the idea of starting the online radio  KekitaanFM as a means of reaching out to the people who cannot come to church at a time when movement control order (MCO)  was imposed in the country to curb the spread of C-19 virus.

 After the homily there was a renewal of commitment by all the staff of the Online radio KekitaanFM to be faithful in their roles as DJs or radio presenters – a commitment to exercise their call to be prophets/ proclaimers of the good news.  

Online Radio KekitaanFM DJs received their Certificates of Appointment from Bishop Cornelius

After three months in operation, Certificates of Appointment were officially presented by the bishop to all the DJs as a way of validating their roles and talents in bringing the Online Radio KekitaanFM to fruition.

The head  of the  Social Communications Commission of the Diocese of Keningau (KOMSOS) who is also the chairman of the Online radio KekitaanFM, Didiroy Joneh,  in his speech thanked all the KFM radio presenters for their collaboration and willingness to use their talents in the KekitaanFM Online Radio. He also expressed his gratitude to the Bishop for his constant guidance, full support, care and concern for the development and progress of the Online radio.

The thanksgiving celebration continued after Mass with a dinner fellowship at the hall and with many other interesting programs to celebrate the New Year, to mark the three months milestone of the Online Radio KekitaanFM and in appreciation for each and everyone’s own uniqueness and giftedness.

Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu


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