INOBONG — A multitude rushed to the rectory of Holy Trinity Inobong parish when the sad news of the sudden death of Fr Alex Sipanul on Apr 9 reached the faithful.
Church leaders, mainly from Inobong, including Archbishop John Wong and a few priests, waited in silence for the authorities to come and collect the remains at the rectory that has been a home to Fr Alex for seven years since the parish was first established in 2015.
Further examination in Queen Elizabeth Hospital 1 concluded that the late Fr Alex was COVID positive and has passed away due to hypertension.
This further saddened the people when they were not able to pay their last respects to Fr Alex at his funeral since from thereon his remains were directly handled by KKM.
The funeral was held on Monday Apr 11 at 10.30am in the Catholic Cemetery Mile 4 ½ Old Penampang Road. Archbishop Wong recited the burial rites, witnessed by his brother priests, grieving family members and parishioners who loved him dearly.
The prelate presided the Requiem Mass the following day Apr 12 at Sacred Heart Cathedral which was attended by close to 500 people including Fr Alex’s family members, the Legion of Mary KK Comitium of which he was the Spiritual Director, parishioners from Inobong of which he was their Parish Priest and groups of parishioners from other parishes as well.
Well-aware of the people’s sadness, the Archbishop encouraged them, “Where is Fr Alex now? I believe he is with God, and all of us will be with Him too.
“Not because we are good and holy, and deserve to be with Him but because God is good, loving, full of mercy and compassion, ready to forgive and welcome sinners.
“This is our faith and hope. Do we have this faith and hope that all of us will be with God?
“Those who trust in God will see the truth. What is the truth?
“Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life, whoever believes in Me will never die.
“Life is not ended but transformed from earthly life to eternal life and death is the final transformation.
“I hope this is a great encouragement to all of us in this Requiem Mass,” said the prelate.
Deeply missed by family members and the faithful, his older brother Fredoline Sipanul, 75, reminisced about their time together:
“I am saddened by this news. Alex is my younger brother; I am close to him. We often share meals and drinks together and chit-chat. The last we did that was during the Chinese New Year in our house in Kipouvo, Penampang. And the final time I met him was at the rectory where my daughter and I visited him just to spend time ‘minum kupi’. I remembered when we were still in school, he never told anyone about his desire to be a priest, he was quiet about it. I also remembered the time when we played football together when we were still schooling.”
Dominic David, Holy Trinity Inobong Parish
“Pemergian Fr Alex yang secara tiba-tiba memberikan kesan yang sangat pedih dalam kehidupan harian saya. Sebab bagi saya, Fr Alex bukan saja seorang paderi yang sangat saya sanjungi dan hormati tetapi beliau juga saya anggap sebagai seorang kawan yang sangat akrab. Terlalu banyak kebaikan dan tunjuk ajar yang dia telah berikan pada saya sepanjang bersama dia.”
(The sudden departure of Fr Alex is bitterly impacting my daily life. For me, Fr Alex is not only a priest whom I love and respect but I also regard him as a close friend. So much goodness and guidance he has given me throughout my time with him.)
“Terlalu banyak kenangan kami bersama yang sukar untuk saya lupakan seperti pergi bersarapan pagi bersama-sama di Gunung Alab, berjalan-jalan di tamu Kinarut setiap pagi Sabtu, memancing berdua di kolam ikan miliknya dan banyak lagi kenangan yang tidak akan dapat saya lupakan sepanjang hidup saya.”
(Too many memories we have together that are hard to forget, such as having breakfast at Gunung Alab, going to Kinarut tamu every Saturday morning, fishing in his own fishpond and many others that I will not be able to forget for the rest of my life.)
“Walaupun saya sangat sedih dan merasa sangat kehilangan dengan pemergiannya, namun saya sangat bersyukur kerana Tuhan telah memberikan saya kesempatan untuk berjalan bersama dengannya di dunia ini. Saya juga sangat bersyukur kerana Tuhan memberikan saya kesempatan sebagai orang pertama yang menemuinya semasa pemergiannya. Saya dapat memeluk dan menangis di sampingnya sebelum saya mendapat kekuatan untuk memberitahukan kepada yang lain.”
(Although I am very sad and feel the loss of his departure, but I’m grateful because God gave me the chance to journey with him in earthly life. I am also grateful that God gave me the chance to be the first person who found him that day. I had time to hug and to mourn him by his side before I had the strength to tell the others.)
Katekis Louis Lojuki, Vice-Chairman, Inobong Parish Pastoral Council
“Ini Father memang penyayang dan sungguh bergaul dengan umat. Bila saja kami panggil dia di mana-mana, dia akan datang. Biarpun dia sibuk, tapi dia tetap datang, walaupun sekejap.”
(This Father is really a loving priest and likes to befriend the people. Whenever we call him, he will come, no matter how busy his schedule is, he will still come, even if it was only for a short time.)
“Dia benar-benar melayani terutamanya Misa harian. Kalau dia tidak buat Misa dalam satu hari macam dia tidak senang hati. Setiap pagi dia akan pimpin Misa pagi samada di Inobong atau Pogunon, dan di tempat lain pula dia buat Misa sebelah petang.”
(He really serves the people especially in the Daily Masses. If he does not say Mass for one day, he would not be at peace. He presides Mass every morning in Inobong or Pogunon, and in other places, he presides Mass in the evening.)
“Sebelum dia membuat satu keputusan, dia mendengar dulu dari pemimpin gereja, dan hanya akan bagi keputusan selepas satu hari. Dia akan pastikan dahulu pemimpin atau tim boleh buat sesuatu aktiviti. Selalunya kami akan bersedia dahulu kerana dia akan tanya, “kamu sudah bersedia, kamu sudah berdoa untuk itu?” Ertinya kalau mahu buat sesuatu, mesti well-prepared, itu yang Fr mahu. Itu yang paling saya hormat sama ini Fr.”
(Before he makes any decision, he will listen first to the Church leaders and then only give his decision the following day. He makes sure the leaders or the team are able to handle an activity well. More often, we will prepare first because he will ask, “Are you well-prepared; have you prayed for it?” Meaning, if we want to do something, we must be well-prepared first, that is his desire. I truly respect him for that.)
“Bagi saya, bukan sahaja dia sebagai Fr, tetapi macam bapa saya sendiri sebab apa sahaja yang saya tidak faham dalam pelayanan ladang Yesus, saya terus cari dia (untuk bimbingan) dan dia beri panduan yang paling bagus.”
(For me, not only is he a priest, but he is also like a father figure to me because if I lack understanding in serving in the vineyard of Jesus, I will directly go to him (for guidance) and he will guide me in the most sound way.)
“Fr sekarang sudah senang bersama Yesus tapi harap Fr masih nampak kami di sini, harap dia berdoa untuk kami untuk kekuatan dalam kehidupan setiap hari dan berkat untuk memajukan paroki ini. Sebagai bapa, saya benar-benar kehilangan dia.”
(Now Father is living in peace with Jesus. I hope he is still watching over us, I hope he prays for us for strength in our daily lives, and for grace to develop this parish. I really felt in him I have lost a father figure.)
Christina David, Holy Trinity Inobong Parish (Catholic Church of Madsiang)
“I’d nonggo nopo, mositi toko’ potounda monompuru’an do Tuhan Kinorohingan” (Di mana sahaja, kita mesti sentiasa bersedia untuk melayani dan melakukan kehendak Tuhan)… adalah antara pesanan dan nasihat Fr Alex Sipanul yang sentiasa saya ingat dan pegang sehingga hari ini.”
(“Wherever we are, we must always be ready to serve, and to do the will of God,” is among the reminders and advices from Fr Alex Sipanul that I always remember and hold on to until today.)
“Fr Alex Sipanul adalah persona seorang bapa yang sempurna. Pada saya, dia adalah seperti bapa sebenar kepada saya yang telah kehilangan bapa kandung sejak 30 tahun yang lalu. Seperti seorang bapa yang mengajar dan mendidik anak-anaknya, begitulah dia memperlakukan saya. Adakalanya saya dimarahi, ditegur tetapi dia juga yang akan mencari dan memujuk saya. Dia sangat mengambil berat terutama orang-orang yang dekat dengannya.”
(Fr Alex Sipanul is a perfect father figure. For me, he was like a real father to me since I have lost my own father for the last 30 years. Like a father who teaches his children, that was how he has been to me. At times, I was scolded, reprimanded, but he would still be the one coming back to me. He cares especially for the people who are close to him.)
“Daripadanya saya belajar tentang banyak perkara terutama bagaimana untuk menjalani kehidupan ini dan dia selalu berpesan supaya menjalani kehidupan yang hanya sementara ini dengan sebaik-baiknya “Mamaamasi no id koposion dii pointunud” (Jalani hidup ini dengan benar).”
(I’ve learnt many things from him especially about living life and he often reminds me to live this temporary life to the best of my ability, “Live this life right”)
“Apa yang sangat menginspirasi saya tentang dia adalah semangat pelayanan dan kesetiaannya kepada Tuhan. Pernah berlaku beberapa kali dia sakit dan hampir tidak dapat berjalan tetapi dia tetap gagahkan diri untuk bagi Misa harian, walaupun 3 kali ulang lagu pembukaan dia masih tidak sampai di Altari kerana berjalan dengan kaki yang sakit. Hal ini selalu membuatkan saya menitiskan airmata dalam diam-diam.”
(What touched my heart the most and I take this as the source of my inspiration, is his zeal to serve and his fidelity to God. There were a few times where he fell ill and almost could not walk but he kept going so as to say the daily Mass; even though the opening hymn was repeated three times, and he still couldn’t reach the Altar because he was walking with painful legs. I secretly cried when I saw him that way.)
“Di sebalik ketegasan dan kekerasannya, dia seorang yang penyayang, pemurah dan sangat mengambil berat terhadap orang lain. Dia boleh berkawan dengan semua lapisan umur tidak kira kanak-kanak, belia mahupun orang tua dan memberi perhatian kepada semua orang terutama orang-orang yang selalu dengan dia. Saya rasa setiap kami yang ada di Paroki Holy Trinity Inobong mempunyai tempat khusus yang istimewa dalam hatinya.”
(Despite his assertiveness, he was very loving, generous and cared for others. He makes friends with all ages, whether children, youth and adult, and gives his attention to all. I feel that each of us in this parish has a special place in his heart)
“Apa yang paling saya rindukan adalah ‘Good Morning’ teks melalui renungan yang dihantarnya setiap pagi (jam 4.30 pagi) sama ada dalam group WhatsApp mahupun secara individu. Setiap hari dia ada kebiasaanya mengongsikan gambar makanan yang dia makan setiap hari, begitulah cara dia untuk sentiasa dekat (connected) dengan umatnya.”
(What I missed most is his ‘Good Morning’ text through his reflection sent daily at 4.30 am, either in our WhatsApp group or in personal messages. Normally he would share pictures of his food he is having every day. That was one of the ways how he stays connected with the people.)
“Misa setiap hari Rabu dan makan malam bersama selepas Misa adalah salah satu kemestian bagi kami. Dia juga penuh dengan kejutan, kadangkala saya tidak dapat memahami cara berfikirnya namun setiap apa yang dia lakukan menyimpan makna yang sangat besar.”
(Wednesday Mass and dinner after Mass is our usual activity. He is also a person with many surprises. At times, I could not fathom the way he thinks but in each of his action, contains a deeper meaning.)
“Pemergiannya adalah satu kehilangan yang sangat besar kepada kami semua khususnya di Paroki Holy Trinity Inobong. Perasaan sedih dan kehilangan yang sukar untuk diungkapkan dengan kata-kata. Namun, saya sangat percaya Fr Alex kini sedang berehat dengan damai bersama Bapa Surgawi.”
(His departure is a big loss to all of us especially to Holy Trinity Inobong parish. No words can describe this feeling. But I believe Fr Alex is now resting in peace with the Heavenly Father.)
“Tuhan sungguh-sungguh mengasihinya dan memang benar “holy people is always called home in a special way”. Terima kasih Bapa Fr Alex Sipanul atas segala-galanya.”
(God is so loving and indeed it’s true “holy people is always called home in a special way”. Thank you bapa Fr Alex Sipanul for everything.)
Fr Jack Johimi, assistant priest Holy Trinity Inobong
“We are saddened but at the same time we believe that Fr Alex is with God and we are truly grateful to God for that. One thing about him that is inspirational is his zeal to serve, no matter how busy he is, he always make time for the people.”
Biodata of Fr Alex Sipanul
Born in Limbahau on 13 June 1948 and passed away on 9 April 2022 in Inobong. He was 74. Fr Alex is the youngest in a brood of three boys and one girl born to Emanuel Sipanul and Elizabeth Andreas.
He did his primary school at St Mary Limbahau (1955-1962) and secondary at La Salle Tg Aru (1963-1967). He entered St Francis Xavier Minor Seminary Singapore in 1968 and did his philosophical and theological studies in Rome (1971-1976). He was ordained priest by Bishop Simon Fung at Holy Rosary Limbahau on 31 Dec 1976.
After ordination, he served in Penampang, Tanjung Aru/Labuan, Tambunan, Toboh, Inanam/Manggatal/Telipok before taking up the licentiate course in canon law in Rome (1992-1994). After licentiate studies, he went back to serve in Inanam/Manggatal/Telipok, then Penampang and Inobong.
Aside from being a pastor, he also served as a member of the College of Consultors, the Archdiocesan Finance Board, and as spiritual director of the Legion of Mary Comitium since 1998.