Regional Bishops to issue pastoral letter for Synod launch

KUALA LUMPUR  To make the synodality desired by Pope Francis since the beginning of his pontificate concrete and visible, the next Synod of Bishops, scheduled for October 2023, will not only be celebrated in the Vatican but in each Church of the five continents, following a three-year itinerary divided into three phases: diocesan (Oct 17 to Sept 2022), continental (Sept 2022 to June 2023) and universal (Oct 2023).

“The fullness of the synodal process can only truly exist if the local churches are involved that process,” states the new synodal itinerary in a document approved by the Pope.

The synodal path will begin at the Vatican, in the presence of the Pope, on October 9 and 10, 2021 with a time for encounter and reflection, followed by a moment of prayer and the celebration of the Eucharist.

For our region, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei (CBCMSB) will issue a pastoral letter for the launching of the Synod which is set for Oct 17, 2021 with a simple message to be signed by the Bishop President and all bishops.

The bishops felt it will be good to look at the three events together – the 50th anniversary of the Federation of the Asian Bishops’ Conference in 2022, the Synod of Bishops from October 2021 to October 2023, and the Pan-Malaysia Pastoral Convention (PMPC) in 2026. All three are encouraging a synodal process for the local Church. If the process is well lived out, the local Churches will see a greater commitments form the laity, religious and clergy.

Youth Involvement

The youth and campus ministry will be having a youth assembly before the Synod. For the journey of the cross in the dioceses, the youth will be involved. Likewise, the youth members will be involved in the PMPC and Synod process so there is synchronicity. All dioceses may include the youth offices in the planning of the synod. The bishops affirmed the importance of the participation of young people in the process.

Questions from FABC 50 to be included

All diocesan teams are encouraged to share their materials to help one another and to avoid re-doing them. One or two questions from the FABC 50 guide document can be inserted into the Synod process, so both processes can be carried out together. Presentations on the Synod are to be carried out in all dioceses should include priests, religious, laity.

Proposed Timeline

The timeline proposed is September to December 2021 for the synod consultation process at the parish and diocese level. As per the PMPC plans, the parish and diocese assemblies are scheduled for 2021 and 2022. This ties in well with the Synod process. By January 2022, a verbal report will be presented by the bishops at the Conference meeting. By the end of February 2022, the full report from all dioceses is to be submitted to the Conference. The Conference will decide at its January 2022 meeting how to hold a national event / celebration for the Synod before April 2022.

By April 2022, the Executive Secretary will consolidate and submit the Conference Synod report to Rome.

Herald Malaysia Online


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