Recollection on Discernment of Spirits

Fr James Tan, SJ, at the Mater Domini Auditorium, Kuching. Photo credit: TC

KUCHING — A recollection on Discernment of Spirits was held at the Mater Domini Auditorium, Archdiocesan Curia and Cathedral Pastoral Centre (ACCPC) on 19 October.

The 3 – hour formation session was conducted by Fr James Tan, SJ, Head of the Jesuit Development Office of the Malaysia – Singapore Region. The Society of Jesus (SJ) keeps in close contact with its benefactors, known as ‘Friends of SJ’ who support in effort or in kind, or both, by providing spiritual care through formation programmes.

Fr James first came to Kuching to give a recollection session organised by Jesuit Development Office in October 2017. This is his fifth trip to conduct a recollection.

He works closely with the Jesuit community in Kuching, and adheres strictly to the guidelines of the Archdiocese of Kuching.

The Discernment of Spirits centred on the difference between:

• Moving towards God – open to growth and development.
Some signs include openness, confidence, peace, having a relationship with the Lord, self – acceptance, living in truth.

• Moving away from God – locked into own expectations.
Some obvious signs include fear, exaggeration, darkness, turmoil, depression, impatient, rigid, and quick to judge people.

• Signs of the Good Spirit
Hope comes alive; we believe Jesus is with us no matter what.

• Signs of the Bad Spirit
Loss of the sense of our own self – worth.

There was time in – between for quiet reflection.

The session ended with Fr James Tan celebrating a Mass before a fellowship lunch.


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