Recollection for carollers

Carollers from the Cathedral of St Mary being commissioned.

By Rogena Roger Sining

KUALA LUMPUR — “A recollection is a time to listen to God’s word. It is also a time to reflect on the past and to discern your service through the choir to touch the hearts of everyone especially with your carolling,” said Fr David Garaman, the parish priest of the Cathedral of St Mary, during the recent Recollection for Carollers.

This year, face-to-face carolling is allowed unlike the previous two years, where this could only be done online. Even though the number of choir members allowed to go carolling is limited, this has not dampened their spirit to visit houses and sing the joyous news of Christ’s birth.

During the sharing, Fr David spoke of how the Church was like ‘a deserted place’, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, with the Internet, the Church was not ‘silenced’. There were many programmes and activities held online.

“The situation has changed after the pandemic, many are still wary of the threat of COVID-19. Hence the attendance at Mass has dropped due to the fear of COVID. In the eyes of the Church, those people need support. Carolling is a great opportunity to encourage the faithful to come back to the church,” he said. Be grateful that you have been commissioned and through you the Good News would be proclaimed,” he added.

Fr David also reminded the choristers that they are not just liturgical ministers but have the task to bring the Good News to those ‘outside the church’ through their carolling. He emphasised that choir members must not assume that carolling is just a complementary activity but it must be a voluntary activity and they have a responsibility to spread the Good News through the songs they sing.

“Sing with your whole hearts just as you pray, as singing is another form of prayer. The choice of carols is important as the lyrics help the faithful realise that hope and joy are always present and that God never forgets them.” The recollection continued with sharings from the groups on the message that they will take with them when they go out carolling.

The next day, assistant parish priest, Fr Thomas Makajil presided over the commissioning rites for the carollers.

Herald Malaysia Online


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