Pope Francis thanks everyone for “closeness and prayer”

Pope Francis

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis sent a tweet at 1:30 pm Rome time on Wednesday thanking people around the world for their kind messages and care regarding his health, as he continues his recovery at Rome’s Gemelli Hospital following his surgery.

The Pope writes in his tweet: “I am touched by the many caring messages received in these days. I thank everyone for their closeness and prayer.” @Pontifex

Among the many messages Pope Francis has received, the testimony of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of all Armenians, stands out. In a message yesterday he addressed his “Beloved brother in Christ,” assuring the Pope that, “We pray to the Heavenly Lord to guard and protect you in His mercy, granting you longevity and many fruitful years in your pontificate.”

Several heads of state and government also wished to express their closeness, including, the President of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Tsai Ing-Wen, who sent a message on Monday, July 5. 

The same day, the President of the State of Palestine and of the PLO Executive Committee, Mahmoud Abbas, wrote from Ramallah: “Let us all pray together to God to give you health in order to continue in your commitment to the creation of peace and love among peoples”.

On Tuesday, the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, wrote “On the occasion of the surgery which I learned was successful, I, on behalf of myself and my nation, hope that you may recover quickly during your period of convalescence”, offering his best wishes for “health and happiness to Pope Francis”

The President of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicos Anastasiades, said “in these hours of personal trial”, he hopes the Pope has a “speedy recovery”, and prays “fervently that Our Lord Jesus Christ may grant Your Holiness health and strength”, concluding, “I, my government and the people of Cyprus indeed look forward to your speedy and complete recovery.”

The President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, wrote in his own name and that “of the People and the Government”, expessing his wishes “for a full and speedy recovery from surgery”. Late Sunday, Rául Castro Ruz remarked, “The people need more than ever your wisdom and moral authority.”

“Prayerful support” also came from the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, who expressed confidence “that His Holiness will soon resume his commitments, to continue to lead the Catholic Church and the Holy See and to support with love and hope the entire world community, which has great need” of his “spiritual comfort in these difficult times.

Among Church leaders sending their get well wishes are also the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM), with a note from its president, Archbishop Héctor Miguel Cabrejos Vidarte, saying they have learned “with deep joy” the news of the Pontiff’s good recovery”, adding that “our concern has become prayer and closeness; together with our faithful, as People of God, we have invoked the Heavenly Father so that the surgery he has undergone may have a good outcome. We continue to pray for you, always count on our closeness, affection and prayer in this time of healing.”

Cardinal John Atcherley Dew, archbishop of Wellington and president of the New Zealand Bishops’ Conference, stated that “every New Zealand Catholic will mention Pope Francis in their prayers,” rejoicing in “knowing that the Holy Father has managed well with the surgery and is recovering.”

Finally, Rabbi Arthur Schneider, president and founder of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation, sent a message on Tuesday in which he exprssed hopes the Pope can “with renewed strength…continue to embrace all humanity with the love and compassion” that distinguishes him.

Vatican News


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