Penang Diocese welcomes two new priests

The candidates reciting their Promise of Obedience to the Bishop (Photo/MBSA team). Pic inset from left: Fr Desmond Jansen and Fr Raymond Raj.

By Carmel Dominic

PENANG — The Minor Basilica of St Anne played host to the sacerdotal ordination of Deacons Raymond Raj and Desmond Jansen on March 28. Bishops, priests, religious and seminarians, and about 1,500 lay Catholics, attended the sacerdotal ordination and Chrism Mass.

After the Calling of the Candidates, Bishop Sebastian Francis welcomed them into the order of priesthood. Then he began his sermon on the significance of the Chrism Oils. The Chrism Mass is celebrated to consecrate the three Holy Oils — the Oil of Catechumens, the Sacred Oil of Holy Chrism and the Oil of the Sick. The Chrism Mass is also an expression of the fullness of the bishop’s priesthood and signifies the unity he shares with the priests that are entrusted to him. Bishop Sebastian explained the meaning of his Coat of Arms, how the martyrdom of St Sebastian inspired it and that each of its five elements – love, truth, sacrifice, freedom and beauty are what motivates him to keep serving as the Bishop of Penang. Then, he spoke about the goodness and beauty of the Holy Oils. It begins with the fragrance of the oils. Each oil has its own fragrance which entices both the minister and the recipients. Next is the feel of the oil. The soft and gentle nature of the oils. These are the physical attributes of the oils. Its spiritual attributes and the truth of these oils are grace, healing, anointing, consecration and forgiveness.

He went on to remind the two candidates of the identity and responsibilities that have been entrusted to them — as ministers of the Word and being in the service of the Eucharistic table which is the table of sacrifice.

He also emphasised that he, as a bishop, is incomplete without his priests and deacons.

The Chrism Mass is also an opportunity for ordained ministers of the Catholic Church to renew their vows to the bishop and Mother Church. He also explained the essence of the New Testament priesthood of Jesus Christ and quoted Isaiah 63:4. In a nutshell, the verse explains that those who hold the office of priest, take upon themselves the sins of the people that have been entrusted to them by the bishop.

This he said, is the ultimate challenge for all priests who represent Christ as a Shepherd. He added that the priesthood is not an individualistic order but rather, one that is universally shared with all those who have taken their vows for Holy Orders.

He reminded everyone to not put limits on God’s glory. He also encouraged everyone to not be left behind as we journey towards the Synod and the Jubilee Year of Hope 2025, as proclaimed by Pope Francis.

The Rite of Ordination continued after the blessing of the Holy Oils.

After Communion, the newly ordained priests gave their speeches. Fr Raymond spoke in Tamil and English. He thanked his family, formators and the friends he made while serving as a brother. He was touched by all those who came from near and far to witness his ordination. He said he shared a personal story with each one of them. They were all stepping stones to his becoming a priest.

Fr Desmond also thanked his family, friends, formators, and all those who had inspired him by their faith. He thanked his late uncle who was the main catalyst in giving him the push he didn’t know he needed into the priesthood, by secretly signing him up for a vocation camp. Both the new priests gave God all the glory and honour for granting them their hearts’ desire.

What could be described as a profound and emotionally moving moment was the presentation of the ‘holy cloth’ by the newly ordained to their respective mothers. The presentation of the Manutergium is an old custom where the cloth that is used by the newly ordained to soak up the Holy Oil from the anointing of the hands is presented to the mother. This is to signify that everyone in Heaven and on Earth will know that she is a mother to a priest on the Day of Judgment.

The bishop later announced that Fr Raymond Raj will be assistant parish priest of the Minor Basilica of St Anne, Bukit Mertajam and Fr Desmond Jansen will be assistant parish priest of City Parish, Penang.

Herald Malaysia Online


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