Parish holds environmentally-friendly Easter Gathering

Holy Spirit Church community celebrating an environmentally-friendly Easter, 11 April 2024.

By Fr Adrian Kho

LUNDU — Holy Spirit Church held its Easter Gathering on 11 April (Thursday) to celebrate Easter as a parish. The occasion began with the celebration of Holy Mass followed by potluck fellowship below the church.

The potluck fellowship was special in the sense that it was the parish’s pioneer parish-level function which was held in the most environmentally-friendly manner as possible.

All parishioners had to bring their own plates, cups and spoons for them to bring back to wash, after the function that night. Drinking water in disposable plastic bottles were totally avoided that night, so were disposable plates, spoons and food-packaging.

This trial environmentally-friendly parish-level function was a success with the remarkably small amount of waste collected to be disposed that night.

Holy Mass at Holy Spirit Church
Fun at the potluck fellowship

With these, the parish hopes to continue to host parish functions in the future in a manner that is as environmental friendly as possible, responding to the call of Laudato Si.


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