“Our brush with the deadly COVID-19”


Early morning on 28 May 2021, the specialist physician made sure that I was all set to be discharged with all paperwork and medication timed to perfection. She had fulfilled her pledge of a birthday present to Marina to have me home to celebrate her 55th birthday on 1 June. Our heartfelt thanks to her and her associates, their dedication and meticulous work make us both so proud to have young, knowledgeable, dynamic and tireless medical frontliners at our Sarawak General Hospital.

And so on Friday 28 May at 9.00 am, after thanking the doctors and nurses and getting my discharge papers out front, with my two small bags, I walked out of Medical 3 Ward to end the most challenging 30 days of my life.

I was thrilled to take over the wheel from my darling one-legged chauffeur when she arrived. It was liberating to be driving again and have the freedom to move around—little things we take for granted. Taking the long way home, I was most thankful to Almighty God and absolutely thrilled to be where I am and to have come out of this life-threatening experience positively.


Today is Saturday 12 June and I have been home for two weeks. Started sleeping well after the third day home and am now well rested. I have been keeping active with exercises, house chores and cooking interspersed with rest time in front of the TV or computer internet surfing.

I am also fitting in lung function exercises with the Incentive Spirometer and my home ‘mee see’ has been constantly checking oxygen concentration levels with the Oximeter which is now always good at 98 percent and above. What astounds her is that my resting heart rate is low at between 55 to 75 beats per minute, the same question asked by the many doctors at the hospital. Hospital will be doing an echocardiogram amongst the many other tests on us on 28 June when we go for our follow-up appointments so we will know how we have progressed in recovery.

Generally, I am feeling well although I tire quite easily after physical activity and this is most likely due to lack of oxygen and general weakness due to inactivity for such an extended time. Will be starting to take walks within my comfort zone soon and build up from there. Hopefully we’ll be able to get back onto our bikes soon when situation and fitness conditions allow. I am on minimal medication now, Dabigatran for blood thinning to facilitate lung tissue repair and Atorvastatin for cholesterol and my usual Azoren for blood pressure.

Interspersed with this, I am also taking some Chinese herbal remedies to assist lung function.

Being able to recuperate at home has been a joy in spite of the current Movement Control Order (MCO). After having gone through what we did, being able to move about and enjoying some normalcy with house chores and cooking is a blessing, we really are more than happy to stay at home.


Having gone through the worst of Covid-19, we feel that it is imperative that we share not only our experiences but also impart some recommendations to everyone we know on how best to cope with our new normal with this pandemic and beyond. I attribute my ability to have undergone and recovered from my traumatic brush with Covid-19 primarily to the fact that I was physically at my best shape from all the mountain bike riding and hiking we were doing for over the past year. Having seen first-hand so many of the cases whilst we were at the hospital, these are some of the takeaways that we can share with everyone. We hope they will help you live a Covid-19 free life and should you encounter a brush with this virus, you will be in good shape to fight it off and recover well.

  1. Keep fit with regular exercise
  2. Maintain good health via nutritious diet and stay on top of existing health conditions
  3. Adhere to safety SOPs as determined by organisations such as WHO, SDMC, etc.
  4. If any Covid-­19 symptoms surface, quarantine immediately, get swabbed and inform all close contact persons for them to get swabbed too. “Don’t Wait, Don’t Guess, Get Tested.”
  5. If tested positive Covid-­19, go to the hospital immediately
  6. Enquire, understand and cooperate fully to all treatment protocols with doctors and medical personnel
  7. Maintain a positive mental state and patience at all times
  8. Understand that Covid-­19 is a highly damaging virus so recovery will take time and consistent efforts
  10. Continue to live a safe Covid-­19 lifestyle with masks, social distancing and the other SOPs


Throughout my confrontation with Covid-19, a full medical team was there constantly to make sure I received the best medical care. The care and dedication demonstrated by this team of tireless doctors and nurses always going out of their way to make sure each patient is well attended to at all times is truly inspirational and worthy of our highest praise.

To everyone in the entire team, we are very much indebted to you all, we pray that you will be blessed with great health and happiness always. A big thank you to everyone.

In the midst of the current spike in Covid-19 cases and the Movement Control Order, we plead that everyone stay at home and out of harm’s way so that we do not overload our wonderful medical team with so many cases each day. As it is they are already working long hours in a very high pressured environment. Let us together make sure we do not burn them out with increased cases.


Our SGH is brilliant with a great team of dedicated staff and provides excellent care for the patients. We were fed well with a very balanced three meals and sometimes up to four times a day if they served up tea time treats. There would always be a meat (usually chicken) dish, a vegetable dish to accompany your rice and a slice of fruit as dessert. Although portions might be a wee bit tiny, it filled us up nicely each meal time.

During our time at the hospital however our meals were greatly enhanced by our loving and caring bunch of friends who not only bought but cooked fabulous dishes and even assigned dedicated persons to send these to the hospital for us. Thank you all (you know who you are) so much for all the love and care to us both.

To the so many who offered prayers for our recovery, we are deeply touched and grateful and pray that our Good Lord will bless you abundantly always. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. STAY SAFE EVERYONE AND GET YOUR VACCINATION SOONEST!


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